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Please find below answers to frequently asked questions.

A Bond is simply a debt obligation; a type of loan. Bonds are created using a legally binding agreement which evidences the existence of a debt between a borrower (the Issuer) and one or more lenders (Bondholder(s)). The agreement (usually called the Bond 'instrument') sets out the terms of the loan including the loan amount, rate of return and repayment dates.

Investors choose from an initial bond term of either 36 months or 60 months.

One year before the end of the term investors will receive a reminder that their bond is coming due. If the investor wants to keep receiving the passive income they don’t need to do anything and the bond will continue to renew on an annual basis automatically.

For those investors that don’t want to renew the bond, they simply give notice of their intention not to renew the bond and they will be cashed out as promised at the end of the term.

You may be able to hold your Bonds in a SIPP and SSAS wrapper provided your pension provider is willing to accept non-standard assets such as unlisted securities. Investors must check with their pension provider first and should not assume the Bonds will be SIPP or SSAS-eligible.

The investment is a UK fixed income Corporate Bond that makes regular fixed income payments over the life of the Bond.

Interest will be paid directly into the bank account you nominate.

The Company does not withhold tax. Interest is paid gross. Any tax liability is the responsibility of the Bondholder. Interest paid on the Bonds to UK-resident bondholders will generally be taxed as income in their hands. Bondholders are advised to seek advice in relation to their personal tax position, as this is likely to differ for each Bondholder

Minimum investment of £100,000. There is no upper limit and institutional investors with larger capital amounts are eligible to apply.


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